An online peer support community for
people living with schizophrenia

Sharing your experiences and listening to the experiences of others can help you to feel less alone with what you’re going through

What is online peer support?

  • Community

    A safe and supportive online community for those living with schizophrenia spectrum illnesses.

  • Weekly Groups

    Multiple weekly live, facilitated, peer support groups.

  • Chat

    Text based chat channels covering a wide range of topics.

  • Forum

    A general forum for posting questions and getting community feedback.

  • Social

    An active drop in community for voice and video chat.

  • Online

    All hosted online through an easy to use private Discord server, available to access 24/7 anywhere in the world. (Learn about Discord below).

It’s more than just a support community. It’s a welcoming social community where you can meet new friends, and connect around shared interests other than schizophrenia

What is Discord?

Our peer support community is built on Discord.

Discord is an app that lets people build communities around text based chat, as well as connect with one another through voice and video group calls.

Discord is 100% free to use and the app is available for mobile (iOS and Android), desktop (PC and Mac), or you can even connect without any app just by accessing it through a web browser like Chrome.

How much does it cost,
and why is there a fee at all?

This peer support community is a benefit for those who support the Living Well with Schizophrenia YouTube channel through Patreon. Patreon is a service that allows people to support the creators they love through monthly donations.

Patreon donation tiers start at just USD$5/month, and any tier gives you access to the peer support Discord server.

Your support as a patron helps us to continue creating content for the Living Well with Schizophrenia YouTube channel. It also allows us to compensate our peer support group facilitators as well as compensate community members for various community development projects.

If cost is a barrier for you, please contact us and we’ll arrange access.

How do I join the Peer Support Community?

1. Sign up for Discord

Signup for Discord. You might want to download the app on your phone or computer.

2. Subscribe to our Patreon

Head to our Patreon and select a tier (USD$5 or more). Once you become a patron you’ll see an option to connect with Discord. You can also follow these instructions to link your Patreon with Discord.

3. Open Discord

Open up Discord and click on the Peer Support server, and then click on the “Start Here” channel near the top.

What is the Peer Support Community like?

Various topics are organized by text channels. Each channel is basically like a chat room about focused on a specific topic. You can read and post in these channels at any time.

Text Channels

Every week there are two live facilitated peer support groups. Groups run for about one and a half hours and usually have around 10-15 participants from all over the world. The groups happen right in the Discord server with everyone participating together in a voice/video chat.

Live Peer Support

There are hundreds of members in the community, with people online day and night. There’s also a very active voice/video chat with people dropping in all day to hang out, play games, and just chat.


Start connecting with your peers today!

How this community has
impacted it’s members:


“Meeting other people living with psychosis has been really empowering- there are so many of us, all doing different things and trying our best. Peer support is a great way to break down the shame and stigma associated with psychosis. Together we can take control of our mental health and be there for each other.”


“The server has made me feel like I belong. It has made me feel like I'm not alone anymore. I now have people I can talk to and share my challenges with. I get the understanding and support I need here.”


“The Living Well With Schizophrenia discord server has a fabulous community filled with caring individuals from all over the world that have had experiences similar to mine. It is one of the kindest places on the internet and its got active voice chats and text channels all hours of the day. It's truly a community in every sense of the word”


“Living Well With Schizophrenia's Peer Support community is a wealth of knowledge and experience. In conjunction with help from professionals, I have found it to be paramount in learning how to manage and recover from Schizophrenia/Psychosis and Depression. Talking about my own struggles with others who could relate made me feel less alone and validated my experiences. Everyone is committed to keeping each other grounded. Days and nights in the voice channels also pushed me out of my comfort zone and I am confident that as long as I am a part of the community I will never feel alone again.”


“I have been a moderator because I believe that the peer support discord community is one of the best things to happen for schizophrenia spectrum illnesses. It impacts my life in a positive way as something I'm still capable of doing every day.”


“The Peer Support Server has helped me by introducing me to others with the same diagnosis that I have, Schizoaffective Disorder, as well as people that support those with our diagnosis. I like being able to come online, any time of the day, and find people willing to talk.”


“The server has been a great help when feeling alone in my illness. Having people to reach out to who know what it’s like to go through this has been very helpful.”


“When my husband went catatonic, I didn't know who to talk to. He wouldn't agree to speak to a psychiatrist, wouldn't take meds, and I didn't know how to support him. I was fortunate to find the Living Well with Schizophrenia support group made available through their Patreon. The support I received helped me to not only navigate through a difficult time, but also gave me a place where I can learn more, reach out, and make friends with those who care and who understand what my husband is going through. They have been able to share the perspective that he has not and be open in a way that is difficult for my husband. I am so thankful to have this group and to be able to offer support to others too! Quite honestly, this has been the most responsive and active group I have ever joined, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it.”

Start connecting with your peers today!